Lego Thinks Beyond the Brick, 有興趣了解樂高理念的朋友們可以看看囉。
Thousands of Lego cubes for new toys. “There’s a huge community of people that treat Lego as an art form rather than just a toy,” says Andrew Becraft, a technical writer at Microsoft who created the Brothers Brick blog. His site pulls in 125,000 unique visitors a month, and Lego officials estimate that 915,000 people worldwide attended Lego conventions and other events in the first seven months of 2009.
數以萬個即將成為為新的玩具的樂高積木。「存在著這麼一群人把樂高當作藝術品而不僅是玩具」,Andrew Becraft說,一位微軟技術作家也是Brothers Brick的創辦人。他的站一個月就有125,000個訪客,樂高官方估計在2009年7月前全世界就有915,000個人參與了各樣的樂高活動。