國際機器人研討會-International Symposium on Robotics 即將開始!

ISR 2012即將於下週開始,本團隊宗翰老師以及阿吉老師等分別投稿了兩篇論文,都是與機器人教育有關:

1. The Programming Software for Hands-on Robot Education
作者:Tsung-Han Hsieh, Chi-Hung Tseng

 Abstract—LEGO MINDSTORMS intelligent robot has played a leading role in robot education for more than a decade; it brought math, science and engineering learning combined with hands-on opportunities to form a prob-lem-solving atmosphere in the classroom. The underlying concept has proved its effectiveness to motivate students to learn related subjects. Furthermore, the hands-on nature of the LEGO set also increases students’ creativity and origi-nality; although it was initially aimed to appeal elementary school students, its versatility and multi-functionalities led to a much wider range of applications. Since then, there have been many computer languages or software designed to be compatible with LEGO brick, in order to support different needs. In regard to this topic, we are going to ex-plore and discuss the variety of software tools that were used, their capability and the adaptation of each tool for different levels of students from primary schools to univer-sities. Benefits and drawbacks in using text-based and graphical programming environments will be discussed in relation to this topic, including NXT-G, app inventor, LabVIEW, NXC, RobotC and LeJOS.

Keywords: robot education; app inventor; LabVIEW; NXC

2. Combination Curriculum of Robotics and Mobile Phone in Primary Education Level with Graphical Programming Environment
作者:Chi-Hung Tseng, Gi-Ming Liu, Wen-You Lu

Abstract—Robots have proved effective in support of play-based teaching activities, especially at the primary education level. With the rapid improve-ment of the smart phone, we found many useful functions which robots can benefit from smart phones. For instance, robot can know where it is and where it is going from the information of the smart phone’s GPS sensor; it can also realize its motion through the orientation sensor; Moreover, with the help of the large touch screen on the phone, user can easily view various kind of robot’s information on the screen; Finally, robot can take advantage of the camera as its eyes for object tracking. All these fea-tures can be implemented with Android devices and LEGO NXT robots. At the same time, we realized that it is not practical to teach users become a skilled Java programmer, which is the official programming language of Android development. Thanks for App Inventor provided by Google, it is a graphical pro-gramming environment on the base of Google Ap-plication Engine. User with relatively no program-ming skills can easily build up there smart phone apps in the first run, therefore App Inventor gains worldwide received from elementary to high school teachers and non-computer-science related college student who intend to design smart phone applica-tions. This topic is going to briefly discuss about the combination of robots and mobile phone applications in primary Education Level and as well how graph-ical programming environment is employed to im-prove students’ learning performance.

Keywords: primary education; robotics; Android; App Inventor; graphical programming



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