[好書介紹] Build Your Own Teams of Robots with LEGO® Mindstorms® NXT and Bluetooth®

最近翻到了一本新書,機器人平臺雖然是用 NXT,但其實裡面講的概念挺好的。很想買一本來看看,重點是以群體的概念來介紹機器人協同運算( collaborative computing),與 ROS 是相當類似的概念。

http://www.amazon.com/Build-Teams-Robots-Mindstorms-Bluetooth/dp/0071798560 <- 在此可試讀一些章節

書名:Build Your Own Teams of Robots with LEGO® Mindstorms® NXT and Bluetooth® 

作者:Cameron Hughes, Tracey Hughes, Trevor Watkins, Bob Kramer


CHAPTER 1 It Takes Two to Tango (機器人協同導論)

CHAPTER 2 Bluetooth for MINDSTORMS NXT: A Closer Look (深入認識NXT主機的藍牙,能與不能)

CHAPTER 3 One for All and All for One (認識機器人硬體)

CHAPTER 4 Creating a Team of Movers and Shakers (馬達)

CHAPTER 5 Bluetooth programming in NXT-G and LabVIEW (使用 NXTG/ LabVIEW 編寫藍牙通訊程式)

CHAPTER 6 robot environments, Teamwork Strategies, and Goals (機器人團體合作)

CHAPTER 7 Give Your Team of robots Java power with leJOS (Java 與機器人)

CHAPTER 8 Got Linux and Darwin on Your Team of Robots? (機器人作業系統、NXC 語言與檔案系統)

CHAPTER 9 Advanced Teamwork: One for All! (魔術方塊專題)

CHAPTER 10 Together We Stand: The Robot Convoy (機器人藍牙網路專題)

CHAPTER 11 The CSI project (機器人救援專題)





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